Friday, December 31, 2010
Samaire Armstrong Eyebrows

Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Mount & Blade Faction

Montevideo Summer Courses:
Carrasco Vital Tel RSVP : 099,966,905
Esq Av Alberdi 5971 Carrasco Bolivia Gates. January 2011
Hours: Tuesdays and Thursdays from 19:30 hrs. to 21hrs.
In El Prado:
Saturday February 5 Dance Course starts
Arabs in the Church of Our Lady of Lebanon. TEL RSVP. 099.966.905
Hours: Saturday 10:45 to
12hrs. Raffo
Mills 926-1 block from Avenida Millan and Casa Galicia Ahlan wa Sahlan
! Welcome!
Maldonado: Summer 2011
Traditional Arab Dance School
Faiza Al Manzur
In "New Acropolis" War 681 Roman heart.
Summer Course starts Friday January 7 Maldonado and Punta del Este
Summer 2011 Schedule: Friday:
18hrs. (Girls)
19hrs. to 20:30 hrs. (Women)
Tel: 099,966,905
sculpted body you've always dreamed
with feminine and sensual movements
Belly Dance. Courses for women
Special Courses for Girls
Arab Dance Classes also in El Pinar - Costa Canelones City
Solymar - Lagomar - Caramel - The Tahona - Carrasco - Pocitos - El Prado
class all year - Summer Courses
Workshops - Seminars - Teacher
Egypt - Lebanon - Turkey
Shows for Parties Cultural Events
Saturday, December 4, 2010
Sunday, November 28, 2010
Build Sleeper Retaining Wall

Dear Friends:
I received a few messages wondering why I'm missing the blog; sincerely occupations I have had a bit away but when he met a week ago for this story I can not share with you.
more than a year ago, after having driven Quito organizations concerned with the issue of violence against children and animal welfare a complaint with the Ombudsman, Dr. Fernando Gutierrez in a resolution providing for the prohibition of entry to children to the bullfights at the national level.
The motivation of this decision is primarily based on violence generated by the show, death, agony and suffering of an animal.
previous years had brought some actions regarding the subject matter, however, by certain interests had not been considered, so that from the validity of the new Constitution, under Article 1, Ecuador is a Rule of Law and Justice, which take precedence above all Respert to the Fundamental Rights which states our constitution, as well as those contained in international conventions and instruments of human rights.
decision some time this had become the "thorn in the side" of the organizers of the bullfights, who before the proximity of the parties had to resort to remove legal artifice to bring an injunction against that decision, the same as it corresponded to meet a Civil Judge of San Miguel de los Bancos.
of their motivation to grant the injunction requested by companies, parental authority is enjoyed by parents of children or deciding to have children as well as culture and tradition that this event has taurine, that particular would have curtailed the time of issuing the resolution defensorial mentioned.
Neither of these two arguments can be considered decisive moment "weigh" rights that take precedence over boys and girls from violence, and specifically establish the International Conventions on the Rights of the Child, as well as internal regulations, the Code of Childhood and Adolescence.
If the phenomenal bull is violent, it is undeniable question could never be a child of Ecuador part thereof, or on the pretext that the parent so desires, otherwise, the State should intervene as it does for regulate certain harmful activities, prohibit the consumption of alcoholic beverages to a minor, censor films, etc.
The state can not be indifferent to this reality, it must act to prevent violence comes to children and influence training.
Happily, a few days ago, against the injunction that I think it was analyzed using the interpretive method of "weighting", was presented a protective action in the city of Quito by the Ombudsman and the judge granted by substituting the rights of children in Ecuador.
East and many other issues should be discussed with legal maturity, in keeping with the times and circumstances that require us to society, then remember that the judges issue sentences that are the result of popular desire, of what to expect when Our judges are exposed to the conflict, there each case must be analyzed with the times which we live.
So much so that few days ago the Judicial Council announces the operation of the courts of the Rights of Nature, which means that we are moving on these issues, particularly that is clearly stated in our Constitution and which surely new ideas and projects will come out in favor of animals and their welfare, as well as the community who are concerned about environmental issues.
A hug for everyone and a great week.
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Roller Coaster Tycoon 3 Ideas

Sunday, October 10, 2010
Pedestal Sink Towel Rack Or Bar

Dear Friends:
On October 4 last was held on World Animal Day.
me share with you an article of the Theosophical Helena Blavatsky, better known as HP Blavatsky entitled Do animals have souls? written in the 1880's of great reflection and support for all those who defend these causes Diaren.
I can check the following link:
comes to mind two phrases of Pope John Paul II, whom many consider the most beloved and admired of recent times, who address this specific question:
"The animals have a vital blow received by God ....... the existence of creatures depends on the action Blow - Spirit of God, which not only creates, but also maintains and continually renews the face of the earth. "
" Animals need our help, San Francisco was interested in animals and the poor helpless.
remember that San Francisco de Asis, proclaimed love for animals , who called our "brothers".
A good week for everyone and a hug.
"The most profound minds of all times have felt compassion for animals." Friedrich Nietzsche
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Price For Nerf Gun Cake

IN THE CENTER: NATI rhythm "dance school AERORITMOS
With the support of Natalia Jerez
TEL. 099,966,905
. 099,966,905
REGISTRATION BY E-MAIL. faizaalmanzur@gmail.com
A Cultural Journey Through
Dance Learn to dance not only move the body, if you want to be a dancer you really have to know the culture and traditions of interpret dances. Today
Arabic dance is very westernized, that is why our goal is to spread the dance genuine, pure, mergers with other dances that have nothing to do with Belly Dance. Impart the teaching of traditional dances from Egypt, Lebanon and Turkey.
Prof. Faiza Al Manzur
Art and Tradition
Both the dance and the kitchen are transmitted from generation to generation. The classes
Faiza tells you their stories, their traditions and culture, not just learn to move the body but thoroughly know the culture, cuisine and music.
1) 12hrs. to 13:30
2) 15hrs. to 17hrs.
3) 18:30 20hrs.
Every Saturday 15 hrs. Start the course at the Dance Arts Academy in the Prado:
Corner Millán 3208 Amerigo Vespucci.
TEL. 2200.39.79 / 099 966 905
Courses for Spring / Summer in Area D, Syracuse Shopping 2206 behind the gates. TEL. 2600.98.98
Arab Dance Course Model School Promodels Uruguay. TEl.099.966.905
1) AREA D, Siracusa Gate 2206 Carrasco
Thursday 18 hrs.
Thursday 20 hrs.
Saturday 10 hrs.
El Prado, Esq Américo Vespucio 3208 Millán
Hours: Saturday 14 hrs. Child
Saturday 15 hrs. Women
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Opening Remarks In A Church Anniversary

Arab Dance courses under the Technical Direction of Faiza Al Manzur.
Wednesday Classes begin October 6 18hrs. to 20hrs.
Egyptian Belly Dance Belly Dance
Lebanon Sable - Veils - Chandelier - Snake
Event Delivery
Graduate Diploma
2 4012569 / 094711462 / 099966905
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Ladies Comment About Their Mandingo

Catholic University of Uruguay
The permanent Chair of Islam organized the lecture series 2010
Catholic University of Uruguay
Target : general public
Humanistic Education Department Chair of Religious Studies.
Monday 19:00 to 21:00 h.
Catholic University - Center Annex (A. Martínez Trueba 1227)
Dance Arabic and Middle Eastern delicacies in Uruguay "Monday, September 6
Prof. Faiza Al Manzur (Dancer)
Other talks but are
. The arms race in the Middle East - September 13
. The resurgence of Islam in Central Asia and the conflict in Afghanistan - September 20 COL. (R) Tilio Colonel
Coordinator: Susana Mangana
degree in Arabic Studies at the University of London.
Professor of Arabic and Islamic Studies.
English Arabic translator.
Information and registration: Secretariat
information TEL. (598) 2 487 27 17 326/327
Int Formación.humanistica @ ucu.edu.uy
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Buggy For Sale In Dubai

Dear Friends:
One of these days visiting courts in the city of Guayaquil (Ecuador) with issues of work, I had to go into a Court for Children and Adolescents, where I see many mothers with their children.
The children, whose ages ranged from 0 to 12 years are frequently early adopters in various courts and courtrooms of the country, generally for claims of food but also as part of criminal prosecutions for sexual crimes, abuse and even as a witness crimes.
We may consider that a tribunal or courtroom is not a friendly environment for a child, especially when it comes to sexual crimes, where the abused, the victim is a minor, therefore, we should consider adapting the site of the form more reliable and cause less impact psychological for children.
Within this trend, once went through my mind the possibility of incorporating as part of staff work from one court to a pet (cat or dog) can help to extend a kind of therapy and make these children feel more confident in all judicial proceedings to be performed.
like on a court a dog or cat among children?
would be considered eccentric by some who propose?
In Chile, has recently established the "judicial assistance dogs or in English" Courthouse DOGS ": Today, six Labradors work with the courts to assist the children in their statements, as part of the initiative Bocale Foundation, in conjunction with the Sex Crimes Squad Investigation Police of Chile (BRISEXME) who perform work with psychologists and justice officials in charge of interviewing and obtaining statement children during court proceedings.
This system has been practiced in the United States with great success in Seattle, by the Prosecution.
hope that soon this kind of initiatives will continue in Ecuador and elsewhere, where children unfortunately have to participate in these legal activities, leaving aside his condition and had to mature very early compared to the raw and cruel reality they lived.
The photos included in this post are taken from the page and Foundation Press Animalist jars, those who applaud you for this great project for children and their welfare.
Source: www.prensanimalista.cl/web/2010/07/13/perros-de-asistencia-judicial-cuando-los-ninos-van-a-tribunales/
Saturday, July 10, 2010
S3 Savage 2000 Drivers

Dear Friends:
back to blog again, as for work was a bit missing.
few weeks ago the local TV channels and Gamavisión TC Television (Ecuador) are transmitted a program intended for times of the football world called "The Night of the World Cup." The
particular issue arises when one day decided to integrate the cast as a "guinea pig", a small animal like a hamster but larger, well known in our food source in a mountainous region.
The issue becomes tricky when the "guinea pig" who called "Gabinito" is used for a series of events and humorous sense of bitter mockery: The alredededor placed a series of traps for mice to see if it falls somewhere, etc. .
This has caused discontent among a section of the population that cares about animals, for his constant manipulation evidence a state of nervousness in the animal, it suffices to look at him to see his expression is not happy in that environment.
The popular local TV host Marian Sabate few days ago would have been criticized for participating in this program by submitting the guinea pig for this situation, people in a mall in the city he would have expressed their total rejection.
When I commented on this issue, I remembered what happened a few months ago in Chile, in the "Street 7" TVN, where he had established a segment called "Bugs education, participants hung from a rope and debian harness answer questions of general knowledge to do it incorrectly, were pulled by a rope until a species pool where there were different animals, snakes, mice, etc.
Friends "Press Animalist" Chilean organization concerned about animal welfare, on their website, facebook started a campaign to request that the program managers and creative withdraw or change the segment, so that animals are not included because, as we all know, the lights, loud noises, crowds of people would cause much stress and disease.
Happily, CHILE TVN channel managers took into account this suggestion and changed the format of that segment, in Ecuador, the issue has been the subject of derision by the cast that is part of that program tv.
As we understand that two similar situations are dealt with differently in Chile and Ecuador? Ironically
one part is considered as a serious, responsible and respect the situation in Chile, while in Ecuador is the object of mockery, might it be that the vision of these creative considered offensive to the public the use of animals in tv and in other cases, simply become a source of criticism and insult to those who are against.
The involvement of a "guinea pig" in a television program does not provide or improve program quality, in contrast, generated discontent among the population that is not freely expressing satisfaction with this event.
personally do not agree with the need to use the device to present an animal on TV that really does not fulfill any role, in contrast, is subjected to a state of stress caused by a trade simply alien to an end or education preservationists population.
And you are saying?
Thursday, July 8, 2010
Different Vulva Typesimages

Friday, July 2, 2010
Percentage Of Women With Sphinx Wax

disseminate culture, dances and cuisine of the Arab people.
Saturday August 7, 1915 hrs. Start the course at the Dance Arts Academy in the Prado: Millán
3208 Amerigo Vespucci.
TEL. 200.39.79 / 099 966 905
Arab Dance Course Model School Promodels Uruguay.
TEl.099.527.955 / 099,966,905
Winter Courses Area D, Syracuse Shopping 2206 behind the gates. TEL.
600.98.98 IN THE CITY OF MALDONADO: 975 War
Roman Street TEL. 099,966,905
MALDONADO class schedule: TUESDAY
1) 15hrs. to 17hrs.
2) 18hrs. to 20hrs.
3) 19hrs. to 21hrs.
1) AREA D, Siracusa 2206
Carrasco Gates
Thursday 18 hrs.
Saturday 10 hrs.
El Prado, Esq Américo Vespucio 3208 Millán
Hours: Saturday 14 hrs. Child
Saturday 15 hrs. Women
Sunday, June 6, 2010
Creatine Kre Alkalyn Alcohol
Hi all, we want to thank all the participating athletes for your presence and efforts in the XXVI Media Maraton Ciudad de Zamora 2010.
This test has been an effort for the organization as it has practically started from scratch, but as you learn the herrores hopefully in the next edition can be solved and the Media of Zamora to get back to that place that it deserves.
Many thanks to you the racers.
LINK CLASSIFICATION: http://www.laopiniondezamora.es/media/documentos/2010-06-10_DOC_2010-06-07_00_46_12_clasificacionesmaraton.pdf is
suguerencias support circuitry and test dates very happy to have them sent to the board.
Thursday, June 3, 2010
Goldwell Colour Chart 6r
Hello to all athletes and guests, we thank you for coming to the City Half Marathon XXVI Zamora 2,010.
hope this Blog helps you apart d the information posted on the right side you have some links, as time Zamora, Office of Information and Tourism, Hon. Ayuntamiento de Zamora, Exma. Diputación de Zamora, English Athletics Federation, La Opinión de Zamora etc. that bream that you may find help not only to run but to have a good weekend in Zamora.
Thank you and Good luck.
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
Difference Between Sony G And Carl Zeiss Lenses
Dry Nasals And Throat
a Care Once the entries close in the popular racing website, athletes still not been made, may fill in the newsletter adj sending grease and most urgently with the income proof to e mmzamora2010@gmail.com
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Denise Milani Autogramm

Dear Friends:
Read reflections as I share with you below, only reaffirm the low value men in recent years we have we have for nature and animals.
I hope you enjoy this little lecture.
Good Day to all.
------------------------------------------------ -------------------------------------------
Lessons Nature gives
The secret of true renunciation is to be learned from the trees, cows and rivers:
The trees bear fruit for the benefit of others;
rivers flow to the good of others;
cows give milk to feed others
the human body is to do service.
If trees, cows and rivers offer their example of selfless service to others, human life will be meaningless if it is not dedicated to selfless service.
When you begin to wonder "Where is God? Who is God? " Nature, which is the garment of God, gives the answer. It is well known that the Earth rotates around its axis at 1,600 miles per hour. He does his duty constantly, relentlessly. Due to this rotation, you have night and day. In addition, the Earth orbits the Sun at a speed of 106,000 kilometers per hour. As a result, there are seasonal changes that favor crops. Earth, the Sun and Moon give the man a lesson with regard to compliance with the duty of each one. They also show the importance of human activity. All of them, the trees, rivers, cows, Earth and the Sun acting selflessly. At the same time, what they do is essential to human existence.
While they all provide such selfless service, what kind of renunciation shows man? People enjoy the benefits provided by nature, but do not show any gratitude.
Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba
Monday, May 24, 2010
Difference Between Mino And Mino Hd

We are pleased to inform you that, thanks to the efforts that all athletes have done in the 25 previous editions a year are struggling to carry forward the XXVI edition Zamora City Half Marathon, try to be held on Sunday 06, June 2010 at 10.30 am.
The Reason of addressing you, is to show our gratitude for your loyalty, year after year you have shown with our test, since the directive Athletics Zamora Replenish CD we send you this letter make it known to some aspects of the test, are:
A) Date: The date June 6, is a very risky bet but we wanted to make this change so that the runners could enjoy more of the test and the City, within the cultural and festive environment that surrounds the month of June has Zamora.
B) Circuit: Due to circumstances beyond our control at the last minute we had to change the circuit know that this is going to subtract a lot of participation to the test, but we can say is that the circuit is completely flat and very fast for those looking for a few seconds scratching his mark, however in future editions the circuit back to its urban variant which will pass through the historic downtown of the capital, turning the event into a feast of athletics as happened in the XXV edition of 2,009.
C) Registration: The registration fee this year is 15 euros. This fee includes: • Right to participate
• Stock Broker With Multiple Products
• Shower and Clothing Service. • Career
Supplies in
• Free Access to Lunch / Lunch to be held at the trophy presentation Pavilion
said, want to thank you, take this opportunity to encourage you to spend a lovely day in our test.
The organizers of the XXVI Zamora City Half Marathon 2010
Sunday, May 9, 2010
Brazilian Waxing New Delhi

Here you have a list of accommodations available in Zamora aldededores capital and, for anyone who dares to pass a weekend in the city of Romanesque, with several churches to visit, both the capital and the surrounding villages, with excellent places to eat or poque not pay a visit to the wineries of Perdigon.
Encourage them to visit the city of Zamora, the Half Marathon is a good excuse.
Thursday, May 6, 2010
Good Beauty Salon Name
ARTICLE 1. ZAMORA REFUELING TRACK CD as an organizer with the collaboration, sponsorship and co-organization of HE. CITY OF ZAMORA, cosponsored by the Hon. PROVINCIAL AND CAJA RURAL DE ZAMORA, approval of the Athletics Federation of Castilla y Leon and the RFEA, and under the supervision of the Regional Committee of Judges, organized on June 6, 2010 the XXVI HALF MARATHON CITY OF ZAMORA, giving start the same at 10.30 am and closing control of arrival 2 hours and 15 minutes after departure. It also will close the passage through the causeway, must leave the circuit to all those whose time is greater in the Km 10, 1 hour and 11 minutes, and at Km 15, 1 hour and 46 minutes.
At 13.30 hours the Organization offers a English wine for all participants and guests. Then proceed to the awards ceremony, to be held in the Blue Pavilion Sports City.
ARTICLE 2. The competition will be held over a distance of 21,097 meters in urban driving. Distance approved by the Committee of Judges and Timekeepers of the RFEA The arrival and departure will be made on the slopes of the Sports City Hall. They will hold liquid refreshment stations in the km 5, 10, 15 and 20, to be marked mile markers along the route.
ARTICLE 3. REGISTRATION . May take part in this trial all those who wish, irrespective of nationality or gender, provided they are properly registered in time and form. The minimum age for participation is 18 years. The maximum number of registered athletes will be 1,000.
The registration fee is 15 € uros, and the time to do the same will be from May 1, 2010, until June 2, 2010 at 20 hours, or deplete the enrollment quota.
Entries can be made by completing the questionnaire Enrollment in pages:
http://www.carreraspopulares.com/ in TICKET section RUN - On Line Registration
http://mediamaratonciudaddezamora.blogspot.com/ , Inscriptions, RUN TICKET - Sign On Introducing
Line Registration Form duly completed and accompanied by a copy of the receipt for the fee,
By Email: Fill the registration form and together with a copy of proof of payment is sent to email @ mmzamora2010
gmail.com By post to the following addresses:
Office No 43 "HOUSE OF SPORTS"
C / Bajada of Three Trees, s / n 49017 ZAMORA
Acuña Bishop Avenue, s / n - 49017 ZAMORA
FAX: 980 51 83
29 Payment of registration sent by email, mail or fax can be made by bank transfer to the accounts:
3085-0081-01-1098439720 (Caja Rural)
On behalf of Athletics Zamora refueling. By making your deposit / bank transfer as a concept MM2010 indicate the name of the athlete. If the income is for a group MM2010 indicate the name of the delegate of the group.
IMPORTANT: Do not be deemed registered, who do not attach duly completed Registration Form and the bank deposit slip. INFORMATION
Phone: 980518329 (time from 18 to 20 hours).
Website http://www.ayto-zamora.org/Zamora (Click 1 in Travel Councillors and then).
Page Blog: http://mediamaratonciudaddezamora.blogspot.com/
E-mail: Find us mmzamora2010@gmail.com
also: http://www.carreraspopulares.com/ (Athletic Clubs Castilla y León), http://www.runners.es/
the following categories are established: MALE
Senior - 18 to 34 years
Veterans A - From 35 to 39 years
Veterans B - 40 to 44 years
Veterans C - 45 to 49 years
Veterans D - 50 to 54 years
Veterans E - 55 to 59 F
Veterans - 60 years or more
Senior - 18 to 34 years
Veterans A - From 35 to 44 years
Veterans B - 45 years or more
The first three / classified as / as in each category will receive trophies.
Trophies are not cumulative.
The Organization may request documentation stating the age of the participants. In case of refusing to provide documents proving they may be disqualified.
General General Men and Women .
1 st Prize - 500 €.
2 nd Prize - 350 €.
3 rd Prize - 275 €.
4 th Prize - 200 €.
5 th Prize - 175 €.
6 th Prize - 150 €.
7 th Prize - 125 €.
8 th Prize - 100 €.
9 th Prize - 75 €.
10 th Prize - 50 €.
order to qualify for the awards will be required to attend the awards ceremony to be held at 13:00 am in the Blue Hall of the Municipal Sports City.
ARTICLE 5. WITHDRAWAL OF NUMBERS. The numbers will be presented on June 05, 16:30 to 20:30 hours and the test day from 8:30 to 10:00 am at the Municipal Sports City. Original must be submitted the receipt for the fee. (I ask you not to arrive late Sunday)
ARTICLE 6. The organization will provide an ambulance service and medical one hour before kick off and half an hour after closing the inlet control career as well as during the entire journey.
not be allowed the existence in the circuit of a vehicle outside the organization (these carry a badge for)
ARTICLE 7. The official rankings are the responsibility of jury trial. Claims can be submitted until thirty minutes after the results published in the bulletin board the same, before the test referee, who will ultimately decide. The rankings are published on the website of the Municipality of Zamora the day after the race, http://www.ayto-zamora.org/Zamora (Click 1 in Travel Councillors and then).
ARTICLE 8. The organization shall have a cloakroom and changing room and shower at the Sports City Hall. The organization is not responsible for the disappearance of objects left in the locker room.
ARTICLE 10. All participants must be accompanied by a policy covering civil liability and sports accidents, excluding cases resulting from a latent condition, negligence or breach of laws, etc. Also excluded are cases caused by displacement, or from where the test is developed.
A dorsal delivery will be provided to all runners a commemorative T TECHNICAL testing, a bottle of wine Fariña, a haversack, Zamora advertising and other gifts.
Participation in this test implies knowledge and acceptance of this regulation, the organizer reserves the suspension modification and testing, for reasons of force majeure.
The race registration is not transferable. Not be returned under any cause, the entry fee. Any matter not
referred to in these Regulations shall apply the rules of the IAAF, the RFEA and L. Facy
will disqualify any athlete who, knowing of his inability to participate in the test, provide wrong information to do so.
Claims shall be made orally before the Judge-Referee, up to 30 minutes after the published classification.
In accordance with the law 15/203 of 18 December on personal data protection, the CD Athletics Zamora advised that the registered data will be included in a database, ownership and responsibility which corresponds to CD Athletics Zamora, to take the necessary measures to ensure security and confidentiality. In order to exercise their rights of access, rectification, opposition and cancellation, you can write to CD Athletics Zamora, cited as Protection of Personal Data.
Sunday, May 2, 2010
Salieri Streaming Hard

Dear Friends:
few days ago the international community has been surprised by a ruling by the Supreme Court of the United States which would the transmission of violent images using animals.
That ruling was generated within the case "United States vs. Stevens "and constitutes a constitutional challenge against the federal law criminalizing the sale of depictions of animal cruelty.
By a vote of 8 to 1, the high court held that the law violates the free speech clause of the First Amendment and therefore is inapplicable: The decision comes against the criminal conviction of Robert Stevens, who was sentenced to prison for selling videos of combat between animals, dogfighting known and others of similar nature.
This ruling has brought forth a series of videos that are not mere representations, it is highly cruel and violent images in excess of animal abuse, women in high heels crushing small animals to death by a sexual fetish.
Some say they are mere representations, others that it is real images, it is certain to be of a nature or another, both performances are derogatory and would put that expose the mistreatment of children and adolescents since it is not surprising to anyone that today we all have access to the Internet and curiosity often leads them to appreciate this kind of unsavory videos without any educational content.
Remember the movie called 8mm Nicolas Cage, which he referred to snuff movies and now being marketed websites and movies of this kind to animals, which is degrading and attenting mental health of the population.
Ecuador, after the new constitution of 2008, lives in a state of Rights and Justice (Art.1 Const), where the struggle against constitutional rights must prevail the most vulnerable, the most sensitive (which is called "weighting"), in this case to afford such exposure as regards the American Court, the violation would occur in a series of Declarations and Conventions ratified by Ecuador in favor of children and adolescents, without forgetting the called "principle of the child's best interest" mentioned in various laws, as in our Code of Childhood and Adolescence (Art. 11).
is worrying that this kind of judgments issued in the XXI century, where the state must have a greater interest in issues of violence and other evidence contrary to morality rather than an alleged violation of "free speech" that no sense and works to promote values \u200b\u200beducation in the population.
And you are saying?
Source: http://www.aldf.org/article.php?id=1327
Friday, April 23, 2010
Miltry Mallige Blue Film Need
Grade Male
First Edition (1985) Hannibal Rapado Barbero.
Second Edition (1986) Hannibal Rapado Bib.
Third Edition (1987) Honorato Hernandez Blanco.
Fourth Edition (1988)
V Edition (1989)
sixth edition 1990) Ramon García.
seventh edition (1991) Charles the Good.
eighth edition (1992) Paul Martin.
ninth edition (1993) David Lopez.
X Edition (1994) Paulo Machado. XI
Edition (1995) Charles the Good.
XII Edition (1996) Mariano Castro.
XIII edition (1997) Adriano Carvalho. XIV
Edition (1998) Francisco Villameriel.
fifteenth edition (1999) Jesús Alonso. XVI
Edition (2000) Tony Peña. XVII
Edition (2001) Fikadu Bekele. XVIII
Edition (2002) Lehkli Hissar. XIX
Edition (2003) Jacinto Farto. XX
Edition (2004) Onesmus Ludongo. XXI
Edition (2005) Petro Qadwe.
Edition XXII (2006) Abraham Aiy.
Edition XXIII (2007) Hugo Santos. XXIV
Edition (2008) Rui Teixeira.
XXV edition (2009) Rui Teixeira.
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Like To Hurt Guy's Balls
Category Women
First Edition (1985)
Second Edition (1986)
Third Edition (1987)
Fourth Edition (1988)
V Edition (1989)
sixth edition (1990) Rosario
Gesture seventh edition (1991) Nuria Madrigal
eighth edition (1992) Aurora Sánchez
ninth edition (1993) Milagros Revello
X Edition (1994) Milagros Revello
XI edition (1995) Begoña
Ruano Twelfth edition (1996) Milagros Revello
thirteenth edition (1997) Aurora Sánchez
fourteenth edition (1998) Aurora Sánchez
fifteenth edition (1999), Chiara Barale
sixteenth edition (2000) Elena Sampaio
VII edition (2001) Lucinda Moreiras
VIII Edition (2002) Milagros Revello
nineteenth edition (2003) Marisa Lawrence
XX edition (2004) Alma Heras
the XXI edition (2005) Lucinda Moreiras
Edition XXII (2006) Julia Gadea
Edition XXIII (2007) Clarisse Cruz
XXIV Edition (2008) Lucinda Moreiras
Issue XXV (2009) Sandra Marquez
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Can Green Tea Leaves Be Eaten
He organizes CD Athletics Zamora XXV the City Half Marathon Zamora, with the partnership, sponsorship and co-organization of HE. CITY OF ZAMORA, cosponsored by the Hon. PROVINCIAL AND CAJA RURAL DE ZAMORA, approval of the Athletics Federation of Castilla y Leon and the RFEA, and under the supervision of the Regional Committee of Judges, test that ran on March 29, 2009, beginning at the same 10.30 am to start and finish at the athletics track in the city.
This edition coincided with the celebration of the silver jubilee of the test turned 25 years old, took out more than 630 athletes and finally managed to complete a total of 568 athletes. This time
modify the route of the Half Marathon Zamora, avoiding the motorway and concentrating the circuit in the streets of the city and the old, "something that was useful to most participants and has served to improve many brands, also run by the historical de Zamora is a privilege because it is tourism and enjoy the city "
the first female to reach the goal has been Sandra Marquez, Zamora Athletic Club, which is the half-marathon world record holder for the deaf in the female category, "today has not been able to beat for only ten seconds. "
While the XXV Zamora Half Marathon was held in the same Open the third course of the same distance for runners who are deaf, with the aim of improving the integration of people with physical disability and its recognition as athletes.
"It may seem that deaf people can run like the rest but it is not because their disability affects them in sports generating difficulties in maintaining balance and in some cases causing dizziness."
As anecdote of note is the escape of a prisoner from jail of Topas (Salamanca) that after running the race all fled.