Dear Friends:
is really disturbing to read this kind of reporting, particularly when they are referred to corruption and ease many people abroad are protected species which are highly coveted, some for mere novelty or eccentricity, others as a way to get money claiming medicinal applications, which in many cases, not scientifically proven.
The report done by this prestigious publication can not be ignored, mainly because it contains graphic material, so we can see an Asian black bear in a room, sedated, with a bomb for their bile, among others.
The whole world talked about trafficking in women, foreigners, of abuse against undocumented immigrants, drug traffic, but little is said about the international trafficking of species, which grows by leaps and bounds, just as much or The drug, which should be national and international interest due to the large number of species that are removed from their habitat and introduced in other areas where they often become a problem.
Corruption is also part of this long chain of economic interest that wins more fans every day ease of trade.
Recently I learned in our country (Ecuador) on one of the few cases brought before the criminal courts, which imposed a penalty for such crimes, which seems like a legal curiosity.
This issue is also linked to other issues that preoccupy the world community, biopiracy, which has been used by large corporations in the pharmaceutical area, mainly for species using potions or formulas, subsequently to be sold at high prices.
I leave one of the photographs published by National Geographic about this very interesting article called "The wildlife trade in Asia", which I invite you to read thoroughly.
is important that all these actions work together in order to eradicate the illegal wildlife trafficking, reporting to the authorities, because only then can we combat it.
Good Day to all.
Source: ngenespanol.com / tag / traffic-of-species /