
Dear Friends:
One of these days visiting courts in the city of Guayaquil (Ecuador) with issues of work, I had to go into a Court for Children and Adolescents, where I see many mothers with their children.
The children, whose ages ranged from 0 to 12 years are frequently early adopters in various courts and courtrooms of the country, generally for claims of food but also as part of criminal prosecutions for sexual crimes, abuse and even as a witness crimes.
We may consider that a tribunal or courtroom is not a friendly environment for a child, especially when it comes to sexual crimes, where the abused, the victim is a minor, therefore, we should consider adapting the site of the form more reliable and cause less impact psychological for children.
Within this trend, once went through my mind the possibility of incorporating as part of staff work from one court to a pet (cat or dog) can help to extend a kind of therapy and make these children feel more confident in all judicial proceedings to be performed.
like on a court a dog or cat among children?
would be considered eccentric by some who propose?
In Chile, has recently established the "judicial assistance dogs or in English" Courthouse DOGS ": Today, six Labradors work with the courts to assist the children in their statements, as part of the initiative Bocale Foundation, in conjunction with the Sex Crimes Squad Investigation Police of Chile (BRISEXME) who perform work with psychologists and justice officials in charge of interviewing and obtaining statement children during court proceedings.
This system has been practiced in the United States with great success in Seattle, by the Prosecution.
hope that soon this kind of initiatives will continue in Ecuador and elsewhere, where children unfortunately have to participate in these legal activities, leaving aside his condition and had to mature very early compared to the raw and cruel reality they lived.
The photos included in this post are taken from the page and Foundation Press Animalist jars, those who applaud you for this great project for children and their welfare.
Source: www.prensanimalista.cl/web/2010/07/13/perros-de-asistencia-judicial-cuando-los-ninos-van-a-tribunales/