Dear Mamas!
As you know, the Belly Dance is one of the oldest dances in the world, originated in ancient Egypt and was originally a sacred dance and dance of fertility, motherhood and femininity of course.
Enjoy this ancient art and move on practicing Eastern Dance. Here's to you this excerpt from the words of another great teacher Egypt: Mohamed Shokry.
Dance is one of the oldest cultural events that have reached us from the depths of history. And if we know it is through the archaeological remains, paintings, sculptures, papyri and bas-reliefs, which are either in the same places of origin or in museums, either on the walls of temples or in graves. The ancient Egyptians composed songs for all occasions, whether festivals, gods, months, years, sex, etc. so that all manifestations of life were covered with some splendor. Was a town that saw the joy and happiness which I bequeath to all other civilizations important discoveries in all fields.
further study and overcome!
Faiza Al Manzur
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