Dear Friends:
I wanted to start the week otherwise, however when checking the newspaper (daily El Comercio - Quito / Ecuador) I find this unpleasant news.
Apparently in a University of Azuay (Ecuador) had captured several dogs which were to be killed for scientific experiments.
When PAE staff (Animal Protection Ecuador) came to the place with a phone call reporting the case, the professor in charge of students excused himself claiming ignorance about the effect of pet ownership regulation on banning the use of dogs in activities that cause pain or suffering.
If it is an institution of higher education must impart knowledge to students as well as values \u200b\u200band views on life, do not understand why sucuden these things, moreover, do not understand why this power has not been advised of current legislation in this area, as each university has a legal adviser to the supports in legislation related to education.
CONESUP would be good today that questions the status and quality of higher education in Ecuador, discuss this and other circumstances that happen in the country, as I say that is not the only case, some veterinary schools are asking students live animals for practice, claiming scientific purposes, when it could work with prints, videos and other means to help the trainees to respect life in all its forms.
No.532 in the Official Gazette of February 2009 was published the new rules on ownership and stewardship of dogs, which states:
1 .- This regulation aims to regulate the responsible ownership of dogs, especially those not recommended as pets within the national territory, in order safeguard the integrity and health of the population.
6 .- The owners or owners and holders of dogs are prohibited from:
a) mistreated, beaten or subjected to any practice that causes harm or suffering to an animal;
b) Abandon or keep dogs in places they are in splendid isolation;
c) Maintain improper installation from the point of view animal health and hygiene and careless, or food;
d) Placing the dogs in small spaces in relation to their size and physiological and behavioral needs, exposed to inclement weather, hunger, thirst or isolation;
e) Submit permanently dogs situations chaining, caging in terraces, patios, balconies, roofs or the like;
f) Forcing the animal to work in conditions of disease or malnutrition;
g) Commercialize an outpatient dogs in the road and public spaces or in places where sale of food intended for human consumption. Does not require verbal or written complaint to health stations that come to seize the dogs and take them to shelters for animal welfare agencies or other such institutions for adoption or euthanasia as appropriate;
h) To sell to minors pets;
i) Poisoning dogs are massive and individuals, own or others;
j) Training, organizing or promoting fights between dogs or other animals and / or bet on them;
k) Providing prize or donate dogs for scientific purposes to oppose the standards of animal welfare and bioethics;
l) use animals in shows, religious events, exhibitions, advertisements or similar if it means, suffering or pain;
m) Circular the owner, keeper or guide public road with a dog, with the written record of aggression;
n) Sedar orally or parenterally to dogs during their stay in the aesthetic and marketing establishments, unless you respond to a veterinarian's prescription;
o) Tie dogs in trees, poles, fences, pillars or any other site located on public or communal areas, preventing normal pedestrian or jeopardize the safety of pedestrians or animals themselves;
p) Conduct the business of training dogs in public places not authorized for that purpose;
q) Use the image to symbolize aggressive dogs, evil, danger, or pornography;
r) Exercise bestiality, without prejudice to the criminal actions of this crime can be established;
s) Filming scenes with dogs where they were mistreated, supplies drugs, substances or treatments that alter their natural behavior and,
t) Commercialize organs or parts of dogs.
22 .- The following are expressly prohibited methods of killing dogs:
a) Drowning or any other method of suffocation;
b) The use of any poisonous substance or drug;
c) accidental electrocution;
d) The use of firearms or sharps, and
e) Other of which cause pain or agony to the animal
25 .- The Ministry of Public Health and the Ecuadorian Agency Insurance Agro Quality, AGROCALIDAD as lead agency, with technical and legal reports or other order that the subject required, will be responsible for the production of public information dissemination on responsible pet ownership and dog handling. Priority will be given to inform, educate and disseminate the following topics: animal welfare, responsible pet ownership and sale of dogs nationwide.
26 .- An attempt shall be that the Ministry of Education as part of an interagency plan to generate the inclusion of animal welfare issues, responsible pet ownership, surveillance, and rights of nature in general, the curriculum of students at grade, pre-primary primary and secondary as part of any of the materials related to the biological sciences, natural or environmental.
28 .- The universities will host the international recommendation to include in the syllabus of studies of the career of veterinary medicine, professor of ethology and animal welfare, tending to the unification of their curricula nationwide.
31 .- It action grants to denounce all activities related to the handling and responsible ownership of dogs that fall within the prohibitions set forth in this regulation.
From the above, each municipality has developed an ordinance on the subject in order to give wider dissemination and clarity in its implementation.
Have a good start to the week.
Information Source: http://ww1.elcomercio.com/noticiaEC.asp?id_noticia=330510&id_seccion=8
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