Dear Friends:
When I started writing this blog and my activist work in my profession as a lawyer I was an orphan, they are very few people in this area are concerned the theme of animals.
As I know more people involved with the cause, I realized the diversity of professionals we can find, each contributing their expertise and good wishes for the protection of animals is at this point, where by linking with Ecuador Animal Protection (SAP), I had the opportunity to travel and see many organizations and people like me from a legal standpoint, are concerned about these issues, which revived my interest to move forward in defense of animal rights.
reviewing information from the Internet I found a very interesting page called Argentina "Anima" -www.anima.org.ar-, which under the direction of Ana MarĂa Aboglio, a lawyer specializing in Philosophy of Law and Ethics for the rights animals, covers various topics such as food, animal rights, experimentation, etc, has spent several years in the study and analysis of these issues, having published several books as "The Voice of the Other" among others.
His dedication and passion for the work that caught my attention, which made possible a contact via the Internet to learn more about this fighter and a keen supporter of animal rights.
Below left an interesting interview graciously granted me: Thank you Ana Maria, people like you inspire us all activists of the world to continue our work, we love you.
1) How and when did you linked to the issue of "animal rights"?
Since, as an advanced student of law, I realized that the title I serve to defend the rights of any of them, for they had none. It was overwhelming. I began to specialize in philosophy. He also had a couple of years in medicine, I thought race would continue later. That was when I made contact with what was then my teacher for years, and found the answer. From the work of the true father of animal rights, Gary Francione, wove the scaffolding of my position, integrating research that had already been made and kept doing it in other areas, for a holistic approach to animal matter. Approached the ideas of abolitionism to the Hispanic world about the time when the doors closed Francione of Animal Rights Law Clinic at Rutgers, in 2000, fed up with animal rights groups that were no longer representative of animal rights, but used that term.
2) What has been your biggest inspiration to work in this field?
do not know what was the biggest. Came together with great force, on the one hand, I feel strong rejection of violence and the conviction that the oppression of nonhuman animals is a terrible injustice model introduced by humans in the world, on the other, admiration and respect for animals, including ours, and life in general with intense compassion I characterized understood as part of the passions of others without any intellect.
3) What is your vision of "Animal Rights" in Argentina?
When we talk about animal rights, Argentina vision not unlike the rest of the world. The animal is included in the legal regime of things and, therefore, is the subject of public and private property. The legal institutionalization of animal plasma as a resource, the idea of \u200b\u200banimals as inferior beings which humans can be used at will. Of course it was to the industrial development and the advent of capitalism slavery settled and intensified animal, a logical consequence of the general objectification makes this socio-economic system of anything which may become merchandise. As I wrote today speciesism is a prejudice not only individual but also a tool they have with animals like those who trade, but gains it gets them.
If you refer to legal developments, the criminal law of animal protection of 1954 was what was left of a much more ambitious. Even had another project that was abandoned and whose treatment had contributed to legislative debate ideas closer to the position of rights. But there are major problems to operate a law to protect certain animals, when many laws support the torture and death, according to a company that only now beginning to hear the voice of the other animals as sentient beings, "and when there is an under recovery of animal nonhuman associated with food, clothing, entertainment, etc. And there are procedural difficulties for implementation. Emerged in recent years many laws designed to encourage the mass production of animals for different uses. If you have enacted bans on circuses with animals with anti-cruelty grounds rather than rights-have gone hand in hand with increases in other shows and provincial laws allow cockfighting are prohibited by criminal law. As for the small gains that had been made in relation to homeless animals, vested interests advanced enough to return to object to implement ethical standards of control (no murder), in a society that sustains the demand for puppies besides being objects of exploitation, are part of the problem of homelessness to place those not sold.
respect to laws in general, I would refer to chapter three of my book veganism, and this summary: The current release and a slave society. Say and do today to shorten the time of harvest.
4) How many cases in the year have occurred in your country of abuse or mistreatment of animals?
Counted "cases", not only by the lack of cooperation from law enforcement to investigate complaints, but because of the ridiculous sentences, keeping the other side to the tiny social value of animal life, the complaint makes a personal need rather than a possibility of doing justice. On the other hand, the fact that many times, having to report the animal's owner runs the risk of ending up hurting the state of the animal itself and the difficulty of obtaining evidence, make it difficult for a person feel motivated to take a job that I imagine useless input.
Now, the question will answer another way, cases of abuse of nonhuman animals suffer every day in my country and around the world. The violence is institutionalized and sustained from all structures, not only legal but also educational, scientific, social, economic, etc. The "cases" given the millions.
5) Do you think that governments or state agencies in the world have given importance to the legislation on animals?
course. Because it is the way it manages the control of men who has to submit to turn them into objects of consumption, whatever. This network is inserted minimalist ethics legal welfarism.
6) Do you think that the public spectacle called "corrida de toros" or "bullfighting" is too violent to be seen by children and adolescents?
As I guess I ask because I have had and takes place in obtaining the entry ban to minors in these shows, I would like to clarify some points that define the effects of strategies and outcomes as advocates for nonhuman animals.
First, the show called "Pops bull "or" bullfighting "is very violent, whatever he sees it. A few years ago I wrote a text describing it, which rightly: Bullfighting or improvement of sadism. Sadism is about more than violence.
Undoubtedly, the brains of children "is a candle in a place exposed to the wind: his light always hesitate." It is true that will greatly influence that witness a spectacle of legalized torture and reinforces undersigned idea that human beings can inflict suffering and take the life of another being ethical issues in the case on behalf of a tradition devoid of moral values as trivial and unnecessary as the culture of animal consumption.
But we reject this show for ethical reasons, and this is the reason that we condemn absolutely, they are older or minors who witness it, is made more or less pain and even if it kills the individual. If our intention was to worry about the moral development of minors, we could devote ourselves to ensuring that prohibit their entry. In this case we should and could, continuing the strategy of action, get laws prohibiting the entry of minors to cockfights, circuses, slaughterhouses, the spree-do-boi, the rodeo and many other activities that harm animals non-humans, not to mention the continued invasion of these shows via television or Internet, accessing the children daily. Sure we live in a world where, to cite one example, there are 11,000 children recruited by armed groups in Colombia, with 3000 children killed in 5 years.
I understand that the idea is reasoned in terms of time: we are unable to ban runs even, at least not falling children. The issue is whether we really get moving or we search for a charity that will not scratch even the continuation of the runs, in addition to the general pubic will focus on the idea that the problem is that what children see.
As just said, only very indirectly, this measure could have some influence for our purposes, it may be a waste of time. Because ultimately, if children are going is because parents take or permit. If refused entry, these children also receive an education contemptuous of animal life as their parents take them to see them or allow them to go. Something like "you have to wait until you are older." And here appears the second point I wish.
Above all, children are recipients of the daily violence-implanted without violence, it means to live in a society full of corpses and animal products used for food, clothing, experimentation, etc. Perhaps even more difficult for children than for adults the chance to see the suffering and horror behind the plate of food, clothing or medicine, as the "absent referent" that tells Carol Adams opera in all its magnitude. Our efforts are mainly dedicated to educating parents, to live a life of respect for sentient animals starting with removing them from your plate, bathroom and closet. When children grow up in homes and have the opportunity to access other life form and another form of humanity.
7) Do you think important to include the topic of "Animal Rights" as part of the curriculum taught in schools, colleges and universities?
course. But how could this be achieved when educational institutions are at the service of animal exploitation? If we are to include the contradiction of "humane treatment" or the oxymoron of "humane death" or the idea to continue using them "to respect" the proposal is not animal rights. This is what is in schools, colleges and universities. So when I gave talks in schools, the word "vegetarian" - or "vegan" - is taboo. And the excuse is very inappropriate, "what they eat is a personal thing, do not want parents to complain."
It's funny because these guys will take the subject.
The current curriculum ideas both receive the protection, welfare and conservation of the species, in doing so exclude the view of animal rights. Unions and professional associations or pro-pet meat or pro-anything which is, are very active in relation to children. This is more so today than years ago. Why I chose education through independent, without diminishing the wealth of knowledge I can give and accept the constraints that do from there independently. Institutions do not pay to have the question. Serve for our purposes only insofar as they themselves are matters of the status quo of non-humans and manifest as the basis for all activities. This freedom of speech has its price. I was willing to pay. It was a wise decision considering my circumstances of time and place, and no regrets.
If we change, the interactions of socio-cultural context and economic necessity are going to change, and education reflect the new ideas. We need both receive a new ethic but also embark on a much larger transformation. The animal issue is a huge rhizome. Together the new philosophical paradigm which means to free the animals from our domination and oppression, we need to rethink the company's progress that he believed in liberalism as a source of happiness. Not only that should be taught that animals should be kept and destroyed to become food. Is that we should accommodate a new nutritional paradigm. Not only that we should stop using them in a laboratory. Is that we should make room for a new scientific paradigm which, among other things, is freed from the idea of \u200b\u200bknowledge as a reflection of an external world. I clarify that I take here the word paradigm with the global reach given the same Kuhn to conceptualize as "matrix disciplinary "one of the two meanings with which limited the scope of its own term.
8) To conclude, I would like to send us a message to all blog readers.
If you have not already done so, transform their relationship with other nonhuman leaving to participate in their exploitation. The smartest thing is to get off the pedestal anthropocentric-spec.
Our proposal is a proposal of love. We want no more violence only leads to general suffering, since everything is related and what they do to non-humans is destroying us us, physically and spiritually. So from heart I ask you to adopt an ethical attitude that values \u200b\u200bnon-humans for themselves and discard, as a logical consequence, the use of animals in any capacity. We call this veganism.
understand that those who have a bachelor's attorney to want to enforce the laws that "protect." But as advocates of animal rights, if that's what we are, we need to take other steps to serve this cause on the basis of the historical moment and the priorities that calls the current situation of animal slavery.
most important thing is to develop in you and teach those around them, the magnificence of a life of compassion for all beings sentient so they can live on their own terms, free from human oppression. But know that this is only the starting point. Veganism as individual practice, or disclosure by aiming only at individual change is not enough. It should be realized also in the socio-political field through abolition, without seeking the welfare reform "that perpetuates the exploitation ad infinitum because it improves the efficiency of the industry, and spread the abolitionist veganism as it is, a work of justice and equality.
© 2010 Ana Maria Aboglio. Sources
link on the above topics:
* Ana Maria Aboglio : http://www.anima.org.ar/liberacion/enfoques/ana-aboglio.html
* Veganism : http://www.anima.org.ar/liberacion/enfoques / veganismo-practica-justicia-igualdad/veganismo-ana-maria-aboglio-contenido.pdf
* The current release and a slave society: http://www.anima.org.ar/liberacion/enfoques/el -release-and-the-current-society-esclavista.pdf
* Bullfighting or improvement of sadism: http://www.anima.org.ar/liberacion/animales/tauromaquia.html
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