A Trip Through Cultural Dance
Learn to dance is not just moving your body, if you want to be a dancer you really have to know the culture and traditions of the dances you play. Today
Arabic dance is very westernized, that is why our goal is to spread the dance genuine, pure, mergers with other dances that have nothing to do with Belly Dance. Impart the teaching of traditional dances from Egypt, Lebanon and Turkey.
Prof. Faiza Al Manzur
Art and Tradition
Both Kitchen Dance as handed down from generation to generation. The classes
Faiza tells you their stories, their traditions and culture, not just learn to move the body but thoroughly know the culture, cuisine and music.
Arab Dance Course. Course
Dances of India Mystic.
courses for women.
Special courses for girls.
Workshops - Seminars - Teacher
Egypt - Lebanon - Turkey - India
Levels: Basic - Medium - Advanced - Professional
Certificate given at the end -
Courses Winter 2010 Registration Open - Limited Quota
Times in Maldonado : Monday and Wednesday
Roman War 975. Tel: 099,966,905
In Montevideo:
Area D, Syracuse 2206. (Behind Gate Shopping) Tel: 600.98.98
New schedules in Montevideo in April 2010 from Thursday
18hr. Saturday 10hr.
Notice: Saturday July 17 15hrs.Inicio Arab Dance Course at:
El Prado, Esq Millan Americo Vespucio 3208 (two blocks from Boulevard Artigas).
RSVP by calling Tel: 099,966,905
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