Dear Friends:
We've all seen some form of drama that pets or wild cross daily to survive, many of them indifferent to the human eye who travels to his side without caring as a living being is killed or is abused in their own eyes.
Certainly the world we live in is not perfect, this and other multiples has perhaps the most serious problems, but we can not fail to recognize that animals are living, so they share the same feelings of hunger, pain and fear, not expressible the way humans do, but we can not deny that.
For years many associations, groups and people in general concerned about the welfare of animals diarimente made many efforts around the world to ensure that a ban bullfighting, circus animals not work, people are educated about ethical and successful treatment for animals, impose more severe penalties for traffickers of species, ect, that arises precisely from the love we feel for them, on a voluntary or paid, with the sole purpose of preserve.
This situation has led to associations or foundations of animals have a more active and participatory role in the complaints and rescues endangered, abused or sale when it is prohibited, a situation which is established under the current "Rules of Dog Ownership" custody and care of the animal is left to that body once produced withdrawal to the owner.
For wildlife a place to rescue these foundations remain, are transferred to specialized shelters which are characterized by this kind of animal host.
Until then you could say that the work has been completed, but the foundation that takes as an inhabitant almost permeate the animal rescue field also assumes a great responsibility, care, feeding and protection.
The increase over the last years of excess animals in shelters has been considerable, because instead of finding home, or be reintroduced to their natural habitat has not been possible, which results in an annual increase in total abandonment of animals .
organization or foundation in animals not receiving Government economic support from any government entity, not supported for the development of laws to help in this work or contribute to society to ensure that these problems were avoided in the future, because I can say from experience that in more than one occasion we brought our good offices for free and without any political interest to support the government through their competent authorities and work on the subject, but until this date there is a specific response.
Sometimes this issue has been used as "political platform" to promote causes, as many high population of young-voters-are identified with the defense and protection of the animals I've seen lately on television that between those who demand "more respect" to mention animals, however, launched a public question? We have done for animals? Proclaim and claim their rights, marched through streets and avenues using his name on banners and billboards, but so far we have not literally "T" and have worked for them.
For those from their homes, offices and group have taken the trouble to feed any stray animal, report abuse and mistreatment, or have hosted at home any abandoned animal, thank you, thank you very much on behalf of them, because we have not of indifference, because we have shown our love for them, more than words with deeds.
therefore no wonder that the newspaper "El Universo" (Ecuador) has as a starter this week, "Animal Welfare Centres are on the brink of its capacity," it is not strange that after so many years of receiving thousands animals, there is room for one more. Front
solutions, actions, therefore, if we want this situation to improve our ideas and allow bills to be discussed at the National Asambela for there to be a more just, more dignified, but above all more human where lawlessness and violence, our children can enjoy a loving Ecuador and work for those most in need.
A government entities must include this issue as a priority and emerging, as well as indicated in the report referred to above, while there is no support from the competent organs, may not overcome this problem.
condemned these practices in the city of Guayaquil, at 604-2167 Police Unit of Environment and Quito to 234-9655. Your action can make a difference, we are not indifferent. You
sale is not allowed pets in corners or streets of the city, report it.
A hug for everyone.
Source: http://www.eluniverso.com/2010/04/11/1/1430/centros-proteccion-animales-estan-borde-capacidad.html?p=1427&m=1199
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